Turkey`s state of emergency extended for 3 more months

  12 October 2016    Read: 991
Turkey`s state of emergency extended for 3 more months
Turkey’s parliament on Tuesday ratified a planned extension of the country’s state of emergency to run for three more months from Oct. 19, Anadolu reported.
The Turkish cabinet last week decided to extend the state of emergency for 90 more days, with parliament’s approval.

Turkey’s National Security Council had earlier advised extending the emergency measures, first brought in five days after the failed July 15 coup plot which martyred more than 240 people and injured nearly 2,200 others.

According to the Turkish Constitution, a state of emergency can be declared for a maximum period of six months, but can also be extended if needed.

Parliament must ratify states of emergency; Turkey`s ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party has a comfortable majority for doing so.

To enact the state of emergency, the government must see serious indications of widespread violence which could interfere with Turkey`s democratic environment or its citizens` basic rights and freedoms as established by the Constitution.

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