Trump may lift anti-Russian sanctions - White House official

  30 December 2016    Read: 993
Trump may lift anti-Russian sanctions - White House official
The administration of president-elect Donald Trump may lift anti-Russian sanctions when it takes office early next year, a White House official told reporters late Thursday, TASS reports.
"So again, hypothetically, you could reverse those sanctions, but it wouldn`t make a lot of sense," the official said, adding that the future US foreign policy course was up to the new administration to decide.

Commenting on the latest round of US sanctions, imposed on Russia Thursday over its alleged role in election campaign cyberattacks in the United States, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that such moves are intended to deal a blow to both Russian-US relations and the future administration’s foreign policy.

He expressed hope that the new US leadership will fix the "clumsy moves" of its predecessors.

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