Mexican ambassador hails his country's developing relations with Azerbaijan

  16 September 2017    Read: 1471
Mexican ambassador hails his country's developing relations with Azerbaijan
Mexican ambassador to Azerbaijan Juan Rodrigo Labardini Flores has hailed his country's developing relations with Azerbaijan as he addressed a reception marking Mexico's national holiday, Independence Day.
Poiting out bilateral trade relations between the two countries, the ambassador hailed significant progress in this area over the past three years. He expressed his confidence that the Azerbaijan-Mexico trade relations will grow in the years to come.

Ambassador Flores also hailed the successful development of bilateral relations in cultural and tourism fields.

Department head at the Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry Anar Janahmadov, congratulated the people of Mexico on the national holiday. He hailed the importance of the development of Azerbaijan-Mexico relationship.
Foreign Ministry official Anar Janahmadov recalled the resolution adopted by the Mexican Senate on the recognition of the Khojaly genocide. He underlined good prospects for further development of relations between the two countries in a variety of areas.

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