Vatican reaffirms call for 2-state solution to Mideast conflict as Pope Francis meets Abbas

  04 December 2018    Read: 1212
Vatican reaffirms call for 2-state solution to Mideast conflict as Pope Francis meets Abbas

The Vatican has reaffirmed its longstanding call for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict following a visit by Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. 

He met for 20 minutes on Monday with Pope Francis and then the Vatican foreign minister, Monsignor Paul Gallagher. The Vatican said the talks focused on efforts to reactivate the peace process “and to reach a two-state solution, hoping for a renewed commitment on the part of the international community to meet the legitimate aspirations of both peoples,” AP reported. A Vatican statement also said Jerusalem must remain a holy city for Christians, Muslims and Jews. It was the first visit by Abbas since the US transferred its embassy and recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Washington says it is preparing to present its peace plan for the Middle East conflict.



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