Azerbaijan's Media Development Agency granted new powers 

  08 February 2022    Read: 499

The powers of the Azerbaijan Media Development Agency (MEDIA) have been expanded following the Presidential Decree amending the "Charter of the Azerbaijan Media Development Agency", reports. 

According to the changes, the following have been added to the authority of the Agency:

- upon revealing violations of the requirements of the law "On Media" in the activities of media entities living outside of Azerbaijan, implement measures provided for by international treaties to which Azerbaijan is a party, and the law of Azerbaijan "On Media";

- if this is not provided for by international treaties to which Azerbaijan is a party, resolve issues related to the distribution of the products of foreign print media in the territory of Azerbaijan, permanently residing outside of Azerbaijan;

- in cases stipulated by the law "On Media", issue a warning to print and online media entities, file lawsuits to suspend their activities and distribution of their media products, as well as terminate the activities of these entities;

- form, maintain, manage the media register, control its use and data protection;

- provide consent to change the logo (emblem) of the editorial office of print and online media entered in the media register;

- provide a certificate to media entities included in the media register, and a journalist's certificate - to journalists;

- annually announce a list of important events for the next year, post it on your own official website and update it regularly;

- when a media subject is excluded from the media register, post information about this on his official website;

- if a journalist is excluded from the media register, cancel his journalistic certificate and post information about it on his official website;

- require filing a journalistic certificate.

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