The price of Azerbaijani Azeri Light crude oil based on CIF in the Italian port of Augusta on December 29 decreased by $1.31 and amounted to $81.56 per barrel compared to the previous indicator, reports, referring to the source from the country's oil and gas market.
The price of Azeri LT FOB Ceyhan fell by $2.29 (to $79.92 per barrel).
The price of URALS with shipment from the port equaled $59.16 per barrel, which is $1.27 less than the previous price.
In general, the cost of a barrel of Dated Brent oil produced in the North Sea decreased by $1.53 on December 29 compared to the previous indicator, to $77.59 per barrel.
The official rate is 1.7 AZN/1 USD on December 30.
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