Armenia claims lands in Turkey

Armenia and the Armenian lobby in connection with the centennial of the so-called Armenian genocide filed a lawsuit in the court of Turkey on the return of lands, which allegedly were taken away from some of the Armenians during the events of 1915.
Harut Sassounian, a writer of Armenian origin residing in the US, reportedly stressed that Armenia and the diaspora are considering taking legal actions against Ankara, and will resort to international courts if the lawsuits they file against the government are rejected in Turkey.
On Jan.3 2015, a writer of Armenian origin Zuart Sudjian claimed the land where Diyarbakır Airport is located, alleging that the land was taken from Sudijian`s family and belongs to his grandfather.
At present, the court is clarifying the verity of the submitted documents.
Armenia and the Armenian lobby claim that Turkey`s predecessor, the Ottoman Empire allegedly carried out ”genocide” against the Armenians living in Anatolia in 1915. Turkey in turn has always denied "the genocide" took place.
While strengthening the efforts to promote the so-called genocide in the world, Armenians have achieved its recognition by the parliaments of some countries.
Although Turkey has repeatedly proposed to create an independent commission to investigate the events of 1915, Armenia continues to reject this proposal.