The recipe of Coca Cola contains a list of ‘secret’ ingredients known as ‘7X’ – herbal extracts which give the drink it’s unique flavour, which the company has guarded for a century.
But a book by author Mark Prendergast, recently republished on Amazon’s Kindle, actually has the whole recipe in the appendix.
Prendergast claims to have found the recipe in a ‘formula book’ owned by the company’s founder.
Oddly, that unique taste is actually herbs more familiar from curries and massage oils – including coriander, cinnamon and neroli.
Alchohol is used to extract the flavours from the ingredients to create the ‘7X’ flavour, then they’re added to a mix of Coca Cola’s more widely known ingredients. On the can, they’re just listed as ‘Vegetable extracts’.
Before you ask, there isn’t any cocaine in there – it was removed in the early 20th century.

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