"Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform" made final decision in GA

  31 October 2017    Read: 2608
"Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform" made final decision in GA
Final draft decision was made during the 1st General Assembly of the “Armenia - Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform”.

AzVision.az presents you the draft decision:

Of the I General Assembly
of the “Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform”

30 October 2017

The I General Assembly of the "Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform", taking into account the statements and suggestions of Armenian and Azerbaijani civil society representatives, experts from the OSCE Minsk Group member states, directed at the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, strengthening peace and mutual trust between the people of Armenia and Azerbaijan, decides on the following:

1.To expand, reorganize the work of the "Armenia-Azerbaijan Peace Platform", established on December 6, 2016, attract experts from the OSCE Minsk Group countries along with the representatives of Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as to rename the Platform into the "Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform" to contribute to the peaceful settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

2.Adopts the Charter of the "Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform".

3.To approve the following Steering Committee and the Control-Inspection Commission of the "Armenia-Azerbaijan Civil Peace Platform" with participation of the civil society institutions of Armenia and Azerbaijan, experts from the OSCE Minsk Group member states, non-governmental organizations, public and religious figures, academics, ordinary citizens of Armenia and Azerbaijan with the aim to expand the Platform (the list is attached to the Draft Decison).

4.To organize a public meeting of the Platform's representatives in the capital city of Armenia, Yerevan, and other cities of Armenia.

5.To organize a public meeting of the Platform's representatives in the capital city of Azerbaijan, Baku, and other cities of Armenia.

6.To organize the meetings of Platform’s representatives with public and government representatives in the countries of the OSCE Minsk Group (USA, Russia, France, Germany, Belarus, Turkey, Finland, Italy, Sweden), and provide these countries’ support for the Platform.

7.To establish headquarters of the Platform in Yerevan, Baku and Tbilisi.

8.The Platform should co-operate closely with the OSCE Minsk Group and co-chairing countries to support the conflict resolution guided by the norms and principles of international law and the Helsinki Final Act.

9.The Platform should hold public discussions on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, make suggestions and recommendations.

10.The Platform should take steps to achieve the rapprochement of positions of the Azerbaijani and Armenian people.

11.Using its opportunities, the Platform should involve civil society representatives, experts, media, science and culture figures, intellectuals, including government and parliamentarians from Armenia and Azerbaijan in the process of achieving peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan and implement important projects and broad activities in this direction.

12. The Platform should implement continuous work to pursue a soonest, peaceful and sustainable solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, guided by the international norms and principles and in close cooperation with the Armenian and Azerbaijani diaspora living abroad.

13.The Platform should co-operate closely with international organizations and foreign NGOs for the sake of achieving sustainable peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

14.To call upon the Chairman of the Caucasian Muslims Board and the Catholicos of all Armenians to express their support to the peace initiative of the Platform and closely participate.

15.To address all religious leaders of the world to support the peace process.

16.The Platform should take other steps to contribute to the reconstruction of confidence and trust between the Armenian and Azerbaijani people and to implement various projects for this purpose.

17.To present the decisions, statements and appeals of the Congress to the OSCE, OSCE PA, OSCE Minsk Group, UN, UN Security Council, PACE, European Union, European Parliament, Euronest and other international organizations.

The Co-chairs of the I General Assembly:

Arthur Agajanov Kamil Salimov

More about: #Peace-Platform  

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