Azerbaijan likely to launch criminal cases against "observes" at upcoming "elections" in Nagorno-Karabakh

  01 May 2015    Read: 1493
Azerbaijan likely to launch criminal cases against "observes" at upcoming "elections" in Nagorno-Karabakh
“The act of some marginal politicians, calling themselves “observers” at the illegal “elections” to be held in occupied territories, will be regarded as a gross violation of Azerbaijani laws”

The illegal “parliamentary elections” to be held by the separatist regime established in Armenian-occupied territories of Azerbaijan is a flagrant violation of the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan, norms and principles of the international law. The Azerbaijani Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the illegal "elections" on February 27, 2015, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Hikmat Hajiyev said on May 1.

Hajiyev said that the expression of political will through elections in the territory of Azerbaijan is based only on the Constitution and laws of Azerbaijan.

“Such a provocative step Armenia, ignoring the calls of the OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs for starting to work on a peace agreement, has taken in the name of “election” is merely aimed at harming the negotiations and covering up its aggression and invasion against Azerbaijan. These “elections” are condemned and deemed illegal by the international community, which expresses support to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders. The OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs made it clear once again in their 30 April statement that these elections will be not recognized. The act of some marginal politicians, calling themselves “observers” at the illegal “elections” to be held in occupied Azerbaijani territories will be regarded as a flagrant violation of Azerbaijani laws because their activities serve promotion of the consequences of the aggression and invasion against Azerbaijan and the bloody ethnic cleansing carried out against its people. This sort of “observers” who illegally visit the occupied territories, grossly breaking the law of the Republic of Azerbaijan, will likely to face criminal prosecution, just as in the case of Slovakian national František Mikloško. Investigative operational actions against František Mikloško contniue, he has been put on Interpol’s search list.

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