At the workshop participated a large public, consisting mainly of representatives of young generation.
Opening the event Ambassador of Romania Daniel Cristian Ciobanu underlined that NATO, which is one of the world’s major international institutions, is adapting to a changed security environment. New security challenges require a cooperative approach. North Atlantic Alliance and Azerbaijan established a strong and successful partnership. Romania is ready to help develop further Azerbaijan’s dialogue and cooperation with NATO. Ciobanu evoked the role of Romania’s Embassy in Baku in disseminating information regarding NATO values and policies in Azerbaijan. Romanian diplomatic mission will continue to organize public diplomacy events in order to confer more visibility to NATO-Azerbaijan cooperation. Ambassador Ciobanu concluded that NATO-Azerbaijan partnership has a very bright and promising future.
Jiri Preclik, Political Officer within NATO Liaison Office for South Caucasus, had an in-depth presentation about NATO and its priorities.
During the workshop the participants approached aspects of joint interest regarding NATO-Azerbaijan relationship.
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