Azerbaijan: getting ready to make sports history, while battling increasing pressure

  08 June 2015    Read: 1015
Azerbaijan: getting ready to make sports history, while battling increasing pressure
Azerbaijan is in the center of media attention and international discussions, as the country is getting prepared to host the upcoming European Games, first time in history. The media coverage of the European Games and Azerbaijan as a whole, is increasing.

The upcoming Games is a "thumbs up" event for several reasons. Azerbaijan is a sporting nation and hosting such a grand event will indeed boost the confidence of the country`s athletes. Since the Games will be broadcast in many countries, this serves as a great promotion tool as well. There are also tourists. The flow of tourists, some of whom know little to nothing about Azerbaijan, will soon discover the country in all its beauty.

And there are also investments. Investments made in infrastructure, equipment, building of sports facilities. All this, as it previously was with Baku Crystal Hall, will stay to serve the country and its citizens for many years to come.

The media however doesn`t limit itself to covering just the sports-related issues as far as the European Games go. Clearly, the world recognizes the importance of the Games as part of the European sports, and world sports as well.

And yet at the same time, some Western media outlets and politicians try to go beyond sports and bring up such unrelated issues as democracy and human rights situation in Azerbaijan. For some of them, Azerbaijan has become a target for constant attacks, packed with all kinds of claims and accusations.

To put it in a different way - a double standard approach has become common towards Azerbaijan. Some 20 percent of Azerbaijani territory, including the Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven surrounding districts, is occupied by the neighboring Armenia. As a result of Armenian aggression, which is going on for over 23 years, more than one million people became refugees and IDPs - this is something that doesn`t get the appropriate attention from the international community.

And yet Azerbaijan is being hit left and right with criticism, accusations regarding the freedom of speech, bad attitude towards journalists and problems with democracy.

With less than one week remaining till the opening day of the European Games, the pressure on Azerbaijan has become even stronger. This pressure comes, in particular, from organizations dealing with the human rights issues and some influential non-government organizations.

Like already mentioned, this is nothing but double standards, since when talking about human rights, these organizations should, first of all, think about Azerbaijani refugees and IDPs, whose fundamental rights have been deprived as a result of Armenian aggression.

Azerbaijan`s high-ranking officials, representing the country`s official position, believe that the policy of double standards is openly seen in the activity of some European politicians, certain international structures human rights organizations, and Azerbaijani society is well aware of what`s going on.

The country’s government is confident that people understand that the opinion that is attempted to be formed on Azerbaijan is groundless, and there is basis for such confidence.

The country’s public sector as well as the majority of political organizations view the upcoming European Games as an important event which will contribute to the country’s development. And this not only strengthens the position of Azerbaijani government but also helps to counter international pressure.

Baku believes that all the attempts aimed at belittling the country’s success, will not bring any results. Azerbaijan knows the truth and has sufficient opportunities to convey this truth to the international community.

Azerbaijan does not intend to yield to any pressure. With only 20+ years of independence, Azerbaijan that has its territory occupied by the neighboring Armenia, continues to move forward, to develop. And the First European Games are an important part of that development.

Despite the naysayers, Azerbaijan is on a steady path of development, be it sports or other fields. And there`s no turning back.

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