
  27 November 2014    Read: 936
?smay?l Alper Co?kun: "Just like the Cyprus problem, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is also a national issue for us"
“Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity is the top priority in the regional policy of Turkey. In terms of both our relations with other states and the developments in neighboring countries like Georgia, Ukraine, Iraq, and Syria, this primary principle of international law is always on the forefront of our plans. Turkey stands against any threat in the region that would run contrary to Azerbaijan’s interests. Georgia is one of our close partners as well and coincidence of the three countries’ interests in joint projects is of importance to us. Turkey is trying to continue its development and stability, and be an example of sound partnership to the world through the joint projects with Azerbaijan and Georgia”, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Azerbaijan, İsmayıl Alper Coşkun said.

Answering the questions about some Armenian powers in Turkey raising the issue of opening the border on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the “Armenian genocide” and former ambassador to Azerbaijan Ünal Çeviköz supporting this idea, İsmayıl Alper Coşkun first asked the journalists to be attentive about using the word “genocide”.

Armenian lobby continues conducting deliberate propaganda to use words "Armenian" and "genocide" as a combination and create an association in minds. "Genocide" is out of the question as it is only a claim. There are many facts that how tolerant the Ottoman Empire was of members of ethnic and religious minorities. We are always ready to open our archives and create conditions for conducting analysis. In 1915, Turkey was fighting on many fronts, particularly hundreds of thousands of soldiers were deployed on the Çanakkale (Gallipoli) front. When taking note of the conditions of that time, claims, that we committed massacre against the Armenians under a sudden decision, don’t reflect the truth. Why might the Ottoman Empire decide to destroy the Armenians in its most difficult times, while they had been living in peace for hundreds of years and reached the safest level in economic, political and cultural spheres? Armenians should ask themselves this question. They should think whether they were lost in political ambitions and aspirations of the imperialist powers at that time.

I understand Azerbaijani people`s concern over the issue of borders, but I would like to say that there is no need to be worried. Our President and Prime Minister reiterated it during their last visits to Azerbaijan. I don’t need to repeat. Regardless of what others say, outlines of Turkey’s state policy are clear.”

Commenting on the statement by German Ambassador to Armenia Reiner Morell “Turkey must apologize to Armenia”, Coşkun said Armenia’s regional policy is wrong and it can not ensure the future of its state and people through claims and accusations against its neighbors.

“With regard to the German ambassador’s statement, I can say that first of all we don’t need any recommendations. I think instead of giving recommendations to Turkey, it would be better if he urged Armenia, where he is functioning as an ambassador, to withdraw its forces from the occupied territories. Demands “Turkey must apologize” or attempts to raise this issue in the European Union are groundless and do not have any perspective,” he said.

The ambassador also said that Turkey is following what are happening in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“In general, I would like to state that those who are working in Turkey’s diplomatic services are closely following the issues related to Azerbaijan. Just like the Cyprus problem, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is also a national issue for us. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict can not be called a “frozen conflict”. The conflict settlement is gradually extending, and it doesn’t meet the interests of Turkey. But Mr. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated that Turkey wants the conflict to be resolved peacefully within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Those who chant any accusations against Azerbaijan and demand concessions from this country should not forget the Azerbaijani territories occupied by Armenians. The co-chairs are concerned over the escalation of tension, but they first of all should look through the reasons that are leading to escalating the tension,” he added.


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