Hikmat Hajiyev said there is no provision of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has not been flagrantly violated by Armenia.
“A change of government by means of political terror within the parliament, the mass killings of protesters by military forces after the fake presidential elections of 2008 and the fact that no investigation was initiated into this crime, the ordered assassination of opposition representatives by the political regime, the immediate release of those having committed political crimes are very commonplace in Armenia. The controversy, however, is that such human rights violations that have become commonplace are happening in a country that is a full member of both the Council of Europe and the OSCE,” noted the spokesperson.
Hajiyev said that Armenia has flagrantly violated all its obligations of human rights, committing bloody ethnic cleansing against Azerbaijanis in Armenia and occupied territories of Azerbaijan, as well as causing genocide and war crimes against the humanity.
“Not only the Azerbaijanis, but also other ethnic minorities in the territory of Armenia, including the Russians, Jews, Assyrians, Yazidis and others underwent ethnic cleansing as a result of the policy of racial discrimination. All this proves once again that Armenia`s national and international obligations of human rights are of only symbolic and declarative nature,” he added.
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