The exhibition involves the leading producers, distributors and suppliers of foodstuffs of both Azerbaijan and world food market.
More than 250 companies from Belarus, Bulgaria, Germany, India, Italy, Spain, Kazakhstan, Korea, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine, France, Czech Republic and others will take part in the exhibition.
Australia, Argentina, Belarus, Lithuania plan to take part with their national expositions, organized with the state support and with the coordination of professional associations. Traditional divisions of the exhibitions will feature fish, meat and poultry, tinned and dairy products, grocery, confectionaries, cooling systems, drinks and many others.
Equipment for baking and packing equipment can be seen at the exhibition.
Thus, the exhibition WorldFood Azerbaijan will help establish international cooperation, diversify the assortment of foodstuffs, as well as promote the volume of investments and introduction of newest technologies into the food industry of Azerbaijan.
The exhibition will be held at the Baku Expo Center on May 21-23.
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