Proposal to OSCE ...Why not open offices in the west away from Vienna?

  11 June 2015    Read: 1054
Proposal to OSCE ...Why not open offices in the west away from Vienna?
Despite the fact that the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, created in 1975 after the signing of the Helsinki Final Act, was later renamed to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), it still doesn’t have it is own statute.

Therefore, the OSCE is not an organization which can impose legal obligations on member countries on the basis of an agreement.

Amid the conflicts that occurred in early 90s in the post-Soviet area and in the Balkans, the OSCE, as an organization covering the Euro-Atlantic space, was expected to take serious actions, however this structure failed to adequately fulfil its mission.

A good example of this is the aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan and the consequences of the Armenian occupation. And this is while Armenia has grossly violated all the fundamental principles of the Helsinki Final Act.

As one can see, the European Union and NATO member states in order to maintain their monopoly in politics and security issues in Europe, prevent the formation of the OSCE as a full and serious organization.

Great Britain, which plays the role of US minion in Europe, with particular zeal carries out its mission to paralyze the OSCE. The OSCE is used only as a means of performing political orders. Appointments to senior positions in the OSCE are dictated by the US and Great Britain. Otherwise, the fate similar to that of Alexis Chahtahtinsky (OSCE Project Co-ordinator in Baku) awaits them.

There is almost no need for the Baku office of the OSCE project coordinator, who is powerless and useless in solving serious security issues, which stand before the member states of the organization, in particular Azerbaijan.

Indeed, in order to stimulate OSCE’s activities on human rights, it is necessary to create OSCE offices, or project coordinator offices in the US, UK, the Netherlands and other countries.

According to the information from the diplomatic sources, this issue was officially discussed within OSCE. Nevertheless, one of the members of the organization wondered: why should OSCE offices be located only to the east from Vienna?

Creation of OSCE project coordinator offices in several cities of the US, including in Ferguson, would contribute to resolving the problem of racial discrimination which has become traditional for the US.

The activities of an Azerbaijani expert acting as the voice of the rich traditions of tolerance and multiculturalism of Azerbaijan as the head of this office, would make a significant contribution to resolving such problems that have swept the US and led to the gross violation of the provisions of the Helsinki Final Act.

There is a great need for establishing the OSCE offices in these countries to solve such problems as anti-Semitism and Islamophobia, which covered Great Britain and the Netherlands. It is also necessary to appoint a coordinator or a special representative to resolve the religious discrimination issue. Being a potential zone of conflict, Northern Ireland could have considered the issue of establishing the OSCE Monitoring Mission.

Why can`t Andrzej Kasprzyk be appointed OSCE chairman’s special representative for Northern Ireland? Kasprzyk has been receiving the salary from the OSCE for over 15 years and has been engaged in the useless activity. So, why not?

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