The CCTSS and UNDP co-organize onference on ?CT

  28 October 2015    Read: 1125
The CCTSS and UNDP co-organize onference on ?CT
The Cooperation Council of Turkic Speaking States and United Nations Development Programme Regional Bureau for Europe and the CIS co-organize the international conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Development on 27-28 October 2015 in Istanbul.
High level participants at the level of Minister and Vice-Minister from the Turkic Council Member States as well as other regional states including Moldova and Afghanistan are attending the conference. Representatives of international and regional organizations, UNDP Country Offices, academia and private sector will also participate in this event where the close correlation between ICT and development will be analyzed. Azerbaijan is represented at the conference by the delegation led by the deputy Minister of Information and High Technologies Elmir Valizade.

The aim of the conference is to enable sharing of knowledge and expertise as well as learning from best practices in the developed world, in order to promote e-transformation and open data in the region in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals adopted at the 2015 United Nations Sustainable Development Summit. The conference is supported by Republic of Turkey Prime Ministry Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency.

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